Ron­nie Kaplan,
Red Rover Walks Own­er

As a life­long dog own­er and pet care pro­fes­sion­al, I know that dogs are mem­bers of our fam­i­lies with sen­si­tive souls.



I have been lucky enough to have had and known sev­er­al incred­i­ble dogs in my life. My amaz­ing dog Oscar, a shih-tzu res­cue, was my first true side­kick!




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As with many res­cue dogs, he had a back­ground that was less than ide­al. His fur was deeply mat­ted, he was over­weight, and his teeth and gums were bad­ly infect­ed.



But despite what he endured, Oscar’s calm­ing spir­it and unre­lent­ing affec­tion revealed to me his capac­i­ty for uncon­di­tion­al love and for­give­ness.





My life with Oscar made me real­ize that the bond shared with our dogs define chap­ters of our lives, and the chap­ter Oscar and I shared was a sweet one.